Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Contoh Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory sendiri umumnya bertujuan memaparkan dan memengaruhi pembaca bahwa seharusnya demikian dan seharusnya tidak demikian, biasanya menggunakan simple present, first, second dll.

Ex: Smoking Should be Banned

Smoking is an action that often we look everyday. It's very easy to find smokers. They think that smoking makes them relax, but they don't know the negative effects of smoking.

First, is the disease, smoking is one main causes of heart attack because the cigarettes contain nicotine that can make the heart beat faster.

Second, money for cigarettes is bought for investment slowly disease harmful to the body especially for students who are real money.

Furthermore, the negative effects of smoking not only be experienced by the smokers but also fot the people around smokers could be experienced that effects.

Based on a few facts mentioned above, smoking shouldn't be done by people espeacially for students. Well, still want to try smoke? Think the facts before trying!